Month: January 2019

  • Some admin stuff…

    What It’s All About It may not be totally clear what the subject matter for this site is, so let me attempt to clarify a bit. I created the domain name several years ago, with the intention to create and use a site to explore and write about two things that interest me (and that…

  • Assumptions, Part 2: Spaceside

    Last week, I summarized the assumptions that I’m making about any planet to which humans might eventually travel. Note that this would include Earth, if a generation ship traveled with a constant acceleration long enough to reach a significant fraction of the speed of light, such that the time dilation effect returned them to an…

  • The Spaceship

    There are several things to think about: the design of the ship, the size it would need to be, power generation, how to provide gravity, how to produce food and water, and propulsion. It seems to me that one, if not the, major problem to solve for this type of voyage on this type of…