Some admin stuff…

What It’s All About

It may not be totally clear what the subject matter for this site is, so let me attempt to clarify a bit. I created the domain name several years ago, with the intention to create and use a site to explore and write about two things that interest me (and that also happen to relate well, I think): post-apocalyptic speculative fiction, and “Space Opera.” Interwoven in both, of course, are the social, cultural, and spiritual issues that humans, and particularly groups of humans, deal with on a daily basis.

The “shipside” stories and musings will comprise the Space Opera content. I will soon write a post that will provide the backstory for the ship and the folks onboard, and then I’ll get started on some short stories about them.

The “dirtside” stories and musings will comprise the post-apocalyptic speculative fiction content. Again, I intend to write a backstory that details the return of the generation ship (see paragraph above) to an Earth much like the one we inhabit, but more-or-less devoid of human technology. In other words, an Earth that has returned to the Neolithic era, or New Stone Age. It may also be more-of-less devoid of humans, but that is yet to be decided. The flora and fauna will be the descendants of those which are extant today, with some mutations that have evolved to exploit niches created by the collapse of human civilization.

If there are humans, they will not be zombies or mutant vampires or anything like that. They will be the descendants-of-the-descendants of today’s humans; the descendants who were able to adapt to the demands of survival in a post-apocalyptic era.


“Real soon now,” I’ll be adding pages with a privacy policy, terms of use, and other necessary “non-content.” I’ll also add a contact page so that you can send me email directly with any questions or comments. In the meantime, please be kind to each other (and to me) with comments and replies to comments.

Regarding privacy, I don’t, and most likely won’t, collect any personal information about the readers here, beyond that which is provided if you request an account (which is necessary to make comments). And I will never – not now and not ever – sell, give away, or provide any of your information to anyone (with the exception of any court orders or warrants that require me to provide any information, but let’s hope it never comes to that).

It is my intention to not monetize this site. I want this to be a place for folks to read and think and discuss the subject matter of the content and related issues. I don’t want to say “never,” but I also plan to avoid having any ads on this site. Also, I won’t create any posts or pages that start playing any type of audio or video when you visit them (I hate that on sites that I visit).

Finally, everything on this site is copyrighted by me. You all know what that means: don’t copy significant portions of the content and use it like you own it. I’m perfectly fine with the “fair use” exclusions, but I’d appreciate attribution, or at least a link back to the part of this site from which any quotes or citations are taken. I’ll be editing the site footer to include a copyright notice – I just realized it doesn’t have that already.

Thanks for reading! Enjoy…







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